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Trusted Wealth Investment

Investment Products


Our expertise across a wide range of strategies drives innovative solutions.

Since 2002, against the backdrop of some of the most challenging financial conditions in history, our robust and repeatable multi asset investment process and experienced Multi Asset Group have achieved equity-like returns with lower relative volatility.

Multi Asset Income

Multi-asset income solutions designed to provide clients with stable, sustainable income in today’s low-yield environment.

Multi Asset Targeted Return

Multi-asset income solutions designed to provide clients with stable, sustainable income in today’s low-yield environment.


Aims to deliver a long-term annualized return in excess of cash / inflation,
with considerably less risk than equity.


At Trusted Wealth Investments , we offer several types of multi-asset funds, seeking to meet a wide variety of typical investor goals:

Income Funds

These funds can be a useful addition to portfolios where an investor seeks to receive a distribution or payout from the fund on a regular basis. Distribution payouts can be based purely on dividends, purely on bonds, or a mix of different asset classes. They may be designed to be regular and consistent (which may occasionally require a return of capital), or regular, but inconsistent (paying out only what the investment earns.)

Target Risk Funds

These funds are generally focused on seeking to achieve growth and/or income within a specific volatility range. The managers use multiple asset classes to help balance the risk and return of the fund consistent with the level of risk tolerable by the investor. For example, an investor who has a low tolerance for investment risk may choose a “conservative” fund, whereas an investor who can tolerate more risk might choose “moderate”, “aggressive” or “growth” target risk funds.

Target Date Funds

These funds are typically associated with education planning or retirement planning. An investor chooses a date sometime in the future when the funds will be needed for a specific purpose. The funds follow a “glide path” of exposure to growth-based assets, reducing the exposure to equity risk as the date nears.

Fund of Funds

A "fund of funds" is a mutual fund that typically invests in 10-20 mutual funds or ETFs from different asset classes instead of investing directly in stocks or bonds. These funds offer similar multi-asset benefits to a model portfolio, but within a single mutual fund structure. Ongoing allocations are managed by a portfolio construction expert and administered directly within the mutual fund structure.

Balanced Funds
A balanced fund typically includes combination of stocks and bonds in a fixed percentage, such as 80/20, 50/50, or 20/80. Balanced funds are designed for investors who want a mixture of safety and capital appreciation. Typically, balanced funds have less risk than a pure equity fund, but more risk than a pure fixed income fund.
Model Portfolios
Model portfolios often comprise a suite of roughly 10-20 mutual funds from different asset classes in recommended proportions. The models are designed towards specific investment outcomes such as “income”, “tax-advantaged”, “stability”, or “moderate growth”, among other combinations. Portfolio construction experts assemble the model and monitor it over time, making adjustments to the model as markets change.
Systematic Strategies
Systematic strategies are funds that use analytical models to determine which investments to select, in what proportion, and when to make changes. They may be based purely on factor research or may also be a blend of quantitative and fundamental research.


Active asset management provides potential for outperformance and risk diversification relative to the broad market. For decades, investors have turned to us for our specialized investment expertise and extensive infrastructural support, when they seek to maximize and diversify their investments.


Our belief in the value of active management has consistently guided our investment decisions and differentiates us from passive investors. Our seasoned teams, each providing differentiated style and perspective, build portfolios based on proprietary methodologies. The around-the-clock support of our global investment platform allows our investment teams to focus on research and portfolio management.

As we work as a community to prepare for the impact of COVID-19, we wanted to share assure you Trusted Wealth Investments is adhering to the current situation. The health and safety of our employees, customers, and communities are our primary concern.

We are taking all measures to ensure we manage to safely get through this fluid situation while continuing to serve our customers, partners, and employees effectively.